Procedure in processing with concentrated salt (regular salt)


更水10ℓ(*1) +並塩500g(*2) = 5%
*1 水温調整をした上での更水10ℓ(塩素を抜いた更水)
*2 味塩は使用不可(必ず並塩を使用する)
4)2)の洗面器に濃塩処理する魚を入れ、 1分30秒 の時間、自然に泳がせる。必ず、時計で時間を確認しながら実施する。


1)Prepare two washbasins (about 50cm in diameter).
Set them to pump the air into one of them.
2)Prepare one of the washbasins as follows:
Filtered water 10 lit(* 1) +Regular salt 500g(* 2) = 5%* 1 10 liters of water after adjusted the temperature and filtered. (Filtered water means the water extracted chlorine.)
* 2 Never use table salt. (Always use regular salt.)
* Get the habit of measuring salt using a "scale".
3)Prepare the filtered water (with the temperature adjusted and chlorine extracted), 80% of the other washbasin.
Pump the air into it adjusting strength properly.
4)Put one ranchu to be treated with concentrated salt in the washbasin 2), and let it swim freely for 90 seconds .
Be sure to check the time with a watch during this treatment.
5)After 90 seconds passed, take out the ranchu and put it into the other washbasin of filtered water.
6)When the ranchu began to swim as usual after some time, put it back to the pond where you keep. Or put the ranchu in a medicinal bathing tank suitable for its symptom and give it proper medicinal bathing.

* Giving the treatment with concentrated salt (regular salt) is effective for curing a sick ranchu and regularly preventing from getting a disease.
 Also effective when newly brought a ranchu, or when brought back home after putting together with other ranchus at a competitive show or a study meeting.
